Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Western Cry for Separation

Regarding the call by westerners for separation from Canada, a western whiner has written that in addition to an early winter that has hit the farmers, they have also been affected by a“…[H]uge carbon  tax bills on the drying which is one more hit on the farmer, on top of China not taking product, India putting huge tariffs on pulse crops and railways shipping oil instead of grain because of the pipeline issue. Overall result out here is anger like I have never seen it …  The separatist movement out here is very real and I personally have written to our Premier and the Premier of Alberta asking for a referendum.”

And who is responsible in part for the weather crisis? Not the Federal government. I suggest it is people like those who oppose the carbon tax and support big oil that turn their back and bury their heads in the (oil) sand. And who worked very hard and in favour of the pipeline despite widespread opposition. It wasn’t the Federal government that nixed it. It was the people and the courts. The Federal government is not in control of what China or India or the USA does. It is not in control of world oil prices.

And who is responsible for the squandering of the huge Alberta oil reserve fund that was socked away during the boom days of irresponsible oil production? Not the federal government. Who is responsible for lulling its people into believing one can have a responsible society without paying taxes. Not the federal government. Who is it that simply shipped its raw oil out of the country at low prices, denying thousands work in what could have been a rich oil refinery industry, if it had had the wisdom to create one. Not the federal government. Who failed to diversify their economies, something that is in the provincial domain of power? 

Take responsibility for yourselves western Canada. Stop thinking you exist in a vacuum. The only vacuum is in your heads!

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