Sunday, March 28, 2021

Medical Meltdown

I had a medical meltdown the other day... not about the corona virus, but about the medical system here in general. This is not an issue in Nova Scotia alone however. We are supposed to have universal health care in Canada. For years we did. Our system is often still excellent when it is responding to a crisis in a person’s health – that is in a reactive way. It is not at all good in a proactive way, at least from my experience.

We do not have a doctor here. It does not seem likely that we ever will have one. We would gladly take a nurse practitioner. It is not to be. We have been on a waiting list for several years now. We have not advanced on that list it appears. If we have, the advancement is not meaningful or significant. Part of the problem is availability of doctors outside the dense urban areas. It was the same in Ontario.

When we left Ontario, we gave up a very good family doctor and connexions with many specialists.  However, for years after our doctor there had retired, we were likewise doctorless and on a waiting list that did not seem to be effective. We found a doctor only through a friend’s referral.

It seems to me the answer is fairly simply, more nurse practitioners, greater use of foreign trained doctors and a requirement that people who receive medical training in Canada, which is to a degree subsidized here, have to spend some time in rural medicine, even if it means assigning them, as clergy are often assigned to rural areas.

Here in Nova Scotia we have a community medical clinic nearby. Once it was a hospital, and quite a good one I understand. It no longer is. It still has an Emergency department, when it is staffed and open. Covid has not helped the situation.

My tribulations in relation to the clinic have a long history. I don’t think I have ever been there without stress resulting from the visit. The procedure is never the same twice. One used to be able to get an appointment to see an on duty medical professional. That stopped some time ago, even before Covid. Once I waited three hours to get a referral, and then just as I though my turn was approaching, a sign went up that only emergencies would be seen for the next three hours. I walked out.

Recently, my partner and I both had confirmed appointments for bloodwork at the clinic ten minutes apart. He had booked the appointments online.   Apparently he had spoken on the phone with some doctor, perhaps a nurse, in the process. This person told him not to worry about a requisition; they would look after it. This is a new procedure, possibly arising from the pandemic limits on personal contact.

We arrived at the clinic and my partner went in first, as his appointment was scheduled for ten minutes before mine. We were told on the emailed confirmation form not to enter the clinic until five minutes before our scheduled time.

As my appointed time approached I went in. I was greeted at the door by security and an inquisitor. She said to me, “What are you here for? “Bloodwork”, I said as I passed her my appointment confirmation form. She did not seem to want it. “Where's your requisition?” she asked. I again offered her the paper that said my appointment for 9:20 that morning was confirmed. She asked, “What doctor ordered the bloodwork?” I said “None. I did!  I don't have a doctor. I have an appointment in four minutes. It was booked online.” She said, “Go to the next wicket”.

The next wicket is where one takes a number before sitting down in the waiting room. As I grabbed for the ticket, a woman behind the next screen called out, “Don’t take that! You need a requisition - You'll have to go down to the collaborative practice to get one.” She’d obviously had listened in on the previous conversation.

I went down to the collaborative practice and waited for another several minutes until someone paid attention to my presence! She finally looked up: “Can I help you?” I said, “I need a requisition”. She asked, “For what?” I said “For bloodwork”. “Who's your doctor?” she retorted. I replied, “I don't have one”. She asked, “Do you have an appointment”. “For what?” I said. “To see a doctor about a requisition”, she answered. I said, “No, I have an appointment for bloodwork ten minutes ago. When we booked it online, it did not say I required a requisition.” “Just a minute”, she said with some frustration.

Then a doctor came out and intervened.... He told me to go into his office. The interrogation started again. My blood pressure was rising enough to send a rocket to Venus. “What's it for?” “Why do you need it?” “Who ordered it?” - blah blah blah. If I had a doctor, they would know that I’ve had cancer and am supposed to have my bloodwork taken every year as follow-up.

However, I was fed up. My appointment time had passed anyway and so I stood up. I had been there before for a simple referral and waited more than three hours. I did not want to repeat that. The doctor then said, “Would you like me to start the process for the requisition?”  

I sighed, and said: “No, I am tired of this bloody system” and I walked out.


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Baby or the Bath Water

As an adult, with some degree of education and life experience, I cannot believe the childish reaction on Twitter, in the press and from some politicians to the Oprah Winfrey interview of Harry and Meaghan. Someone once said, to put it in perhaps more politically correct terms, “Let them that are without sin cast the first stone.”

Now, I was not there when some unspecified “Senior Royal” uttered  to Harry in private an interest in, or as Harry has interpreted it, a concern about in the colour of the then in vitro baby’s skin. Nor, most likely, were you. I do not know of anyone who would not be curious about such matters in the circumstances. Indeed, it was commonly discussed by people of different races whom I know. I would guess, even for those who dared not voice the question, that it was a matter of curiosity.

This does not make a racist of the individual, let alone of the Institution of Monarchy. One only had to view the on-line Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey on March 8, 2021 to glean that the Royal Family is far from racist. Indeed, they have done more than most other individuals or institutions to improve the lot of marginalized people and to bring together people of all races.

If one could re-write history, what might have happened if Britain had not gone out and colonized the world? Britain has been itself the subject of invasions and colonization throughout its own history: the Scots from Ireland, the Norse, the Romans, the Norman French, and had Hitler be victorious, the Germans. Migration, exploration, and colonization have been the state of the world since time immemorial: e.g. Egypt, Rome, Greece.

Surely some other country would have taken up the rod of colonization, had it not been Britain. Would it have been France, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Holland, Denmark or Germany. All were colonizers. Would it have been China, Russia, the United States or Japan? Would it have been some Middle Eastern or North African Kingdom? Whether it was one or, as was the reality, a combination of these states, the world would certainly have been colonized. And it is being colonized now.

Indeed, we are continuing to colonize. Now, we have reached out into outer space. And so, I suspect, many of you are likely celebrating this achievement.

Migrations are occurring at unprecedented rates caused whether by wars, insurrections, state or religious oppression, famine, economic need or desire, or global climate change. China is colonizing Africa and much of the world through investment and financial aid today. There are always strings attached.

And, sadly, as despicable as it is, slavery has been here too since time immemorial. The human creature is capable of great good and, tragically, of great evil. No race or people have been free from skeleton’s in their collective ancestral closet, and this includes slavery in its various forms: Rome, Greece, Egypt, feudal Europe, most Western countries into the 19th Century. And slavery or servitude if you prefer, still exists in some countries today. The indigenous peoples of Africa, and North, Central and South America all have had forms of slavery in their past. National and tribal wars persist.

Personally, I am not sure why one should apologize for the sins of one’s fathers (and mothers); but one should learn from them and strive not to repeat them.

A member of the so-called “Republic” in Britain recently held out on Twitter that the United States was the greatest democracy in the last one hundred years. Really? Well then let’s look at that country since 1920. It perpetuated institutional racial segregation, not just systemic discrimination but positive discrimination, well into the 1960s. It currently has unacceptably high rates of poverty and illiteracy for a western democracy. Education and healthcare are out the financial sphere of far too many people in that country. Imprisonment is embarrassingly high and the prisons overflowing. The death penalty is still in place in too many states. Homosexuality is still illegal in some states. Too many are unable to vote due to institutional and financial barriers imposed on them. And most of these failings fall on the shoulders of racialized and marginalized citizens or residents.

Guns are everywhere in that democracy. White Supremacist militias thrive. The country has engaged for years in propping up fascist dictatorships in South and Central America and instituted, with devastating impact on the world, illegal wars, and unproductive economic embargos. It has committed war crimes it won’t acknowledge. It has bullied its neighbours and allies economically. And, recently, it had freely elected one of the most despicable leaders in contemporary world history. The greatest democracy in the world?

Democracy is a vague term. It takes many forms. To hold it out as some immutable and irreproachable form of perfect government and the panacea of world ills is pure folly. The criticism that is being directed at the Monarchy today would be better directed at humanity itself. Let those without fault be critical. But more importantly, let those with fault learn and move on. My granny frequently warned: “Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water”.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Pathetic People

I did not watch the Meagan-Harry interview with the Dowager of Gossip on March 7, 2021. But unfortunately, it has been all over the internet this morning.

Where do I start with poor Meagan and Harry.

Meagan claims that she didn't know that she was expected to curtsey to the Queen when she met her. Yet, at the time, she was engaged to a Senior Member of the Royal Family who knows the Royal protocols well. So then, who's fault was that. Had Harry explained nothing to her? How naïve. 

She claims that an unspecified senior member of the family had voiced concern, or was it simply an interest, in Archie's possible skin colour. Personally, I don't know anyone who wasn't  curious about that. I very much doubt there was concern – possibly amusement by an elder at the prospect of a Black Royal. As for the suggestion that “the Palace” is racist, one only has to view this year’s inspirational Commonwealth Day celebrations on YouTube at to glean that this accusation is rubbish.

They claim they had to escape the media attention in Britain and that they sought privacy by moving to the United States – world capital of trash media and invasion of privacy. Then they seek out Hollywood style attention in Netflix and Spotify and whine on very public television to the Queen of media gossip.  

Harry complains about not getting financial support after he quit “the Firm”. I am not sure how many people get paid after they quit a job. I certainly didn’t, after working many more years than Harry has put in as a working Royal. 

Then they complain about no continuing security service by the British Government after they voluntarily move halfway across the globe into the arms of a different country.  Give your heads a shake!

And Harry whines that Daddy, who is a very busy man, won't  talk to him after Harry has attempted to undermine him at every turn. Oh dear, how nasty.

The Duke and Duchess of Netflix! Poor them.