Sunday, April 16, 2023

What is Woman, What is Man

There is so much in the media right now about transvestites, transsexuals and transitioning people. What is the fuss!

I blame the Bible. Adam and Eve and all that rot. What about the snake? We are and have been for millennia brainwashed to think there is only one sexuality and only two sexes. What is man, what is woman?

What two women or two men are the same. Not even identical twins are truly identical, or necessarily have the same sexuality. Sex and sexuality are on parallel spectrums, they are not defined points. It may be that most people identify clearly at one or other end of these two spectra. But not all do. And much harm has been done by this confined and confining view.

Some people born as biological women, are short, some tall, some obese, some skeletal, some pear shaped, some curvatious, some with very large breasts, some with none, some with mousy voices and some with deep and resonate voices, many can bear children, but some cannot, some are physically strong, some not. Some have body and facial hair, some do not. Some of these “women” can run ten miles at break-neck speed, scale cliffs, paddle in whitewater, and others struggle to get up off the sofa to turn off the TV.

So who are these uniform biological women athletes that the anti-trans advocates claim to be supporting. Are we to accept the innuendo that one must take from this position: i.e., that biological women are universally inferior in strength and endurance to men. And who are these men anyway?

And interestingly, I have yet to hear any objection voiced that a biological woman who has identified as male, should not be allowed to compete as a man. I wonder what assumptions and stereotypes that is based on.

And I haven’t even gotten into sexuality yet.

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