Robyn Miller's article about someone being paid to keep quiet about alleged racial discrimination deserves comment. It infuriates me that CBC does not allow this with respect to so many important articles.
As a retired lawyer there are sound reasons why settlements of legal proceedings usually demand silence by the person alleging a cause of action. Remember that the person is only alleging something that has not been proven to be the case. Legal proceedings are costly in time, money and other resources. People, including governments, settle legal proceedings brought against them for many reasons: often because the cost of defending the claim is not worth it.
The person alleging some illegal treatment does not have to accept the settlement if they want their day in "court". If they think they should take the risk of proving their case. or not, because they want to go public, then they can do that. And, on the other hand, if money and certainty is more important to them, then they are free to accept a settlement. Don't blame the government for wanting to settle and not have to deal with continuing unproven allegations.
The government's money is our money. And it has to cover many expenses and causes. It must be used frugally and wisely for the benefit of all.