The recent mysterious illnesses in Cuba have affected both American and
Canadian diplomats. The Americans claim they have affected tourists in hotels as well, but there is no concrete evidence of this. The U.S. has initially blamed Cuba for intentionally targeting these people with James Bond style sonic devices. However, Cuba is on very good terms with Canada and has been for decades. Why would it jeopardize that relationship.
While the Americans
had been blaming the Cubans, the Cubans have soundly denied it. They even offered to let the FBI
investigate. Apparently they did without result.
The Canadian Press have been claiming it is possibly the
Russians, who are on the outs with both the U.S.A. and Canada, and that such
practices by Russia are not without precedence. The Russians deny any part in this mystery,
which makes sense since Russia is a staunch ally of the Cubans. I cannot reasonably see that Russia would want to negatively impact Cuba vis a vis a diminished
critical income of its tourism industry.
At the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I believe it is even more possible that the CIA itself (i.e., the USA) is to blame. This conclusion results from the historical
reputation of the CIA in undermining Latin American affairs. The current U.S. administration has demonstrated a perverse will to harm Cuba, and has undone many of the
minor redresses of the former administration. They would love to bring Cuba to
its knees and, from recent aggressive trade measures, much of the world too.